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English translation for "take the right posture"


Related Translations:
posture:  n.1.姿势,姿态;态度。2.精神准备;心情,心境。3.形势,情形 (of)。短语和例子a posture of defense 守势。 the present posture of affairs 目前形势,时局。vt.使作出某种姿态[态度]。vi.取某种姿势[态度];故作姿态。postural adj.
back posture:  背部姿势
sleeping posture:  睡眠姿势
posture technique:  姿势技法
poor posture:  姿势不好
posture bearing:  态貌
surrender posture:  投降姿势
posture test:  姿势试验
reclining posture:  半卧式
normal posture:  正常姿势
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